Philip Gudgeon new CEO of SCHNEIDER GROUP

SCHNEIDER GROUP was able to attract British top manager Philip Gudgeon as its new CEO. At the same time, company founder Ulf Schneider announced his move as Chairman to the newly created Supervisory Board.

The triple crisis – 15 questions businesses have

Watch the recording of our webinar “The triple crisis -15 questions businesses have” from 30.03.2020

Planned measures to support business resulted from COVID-19

The Government of Belarus prepared the draft of President Decree (hereinafter– «the Decree») in order to support business engaged in economic activity, which is the most vulnerable to the adverse impact of epidemiological situation (tourist and transport services, hotel and sanatorium business, food service, personal services, etc.).

Moscow has approved priority measures to support businesses

Moscow has approved the first package of measures for anti-crisis support of businesses affected by the decline in business activity and introduction of restrictive measures in connection with the spread of coronavirus. Among the measures announced are the following.

Russian government’s anti-crisis plan – detailed chronology

The Government of the Russian Federation announced the list of priority activities (actions) to ensure the sustainable development of the economy amid the deterioration due to the spread of coronavirus.

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