Restrictive measures against the spread of COVID-19 in Moscow (update)
The Mayor’s decree 103-UM dated 28.10.2020 has prolonged until 15.01.2021 the restrictive measures of the Mayor’s decrees 96-UM as of 01.10.2020 and 97-UM as of 06.10.2020, in particular:
SCHNEIDER GROUP special offer for international companies in Armenia
In order to support international companies in Armenia during the current crisis, SCHNEIDER GROUP is launching a special package offer for business support services.
More options of primary accounting documents sole drafting have been introduced since August 22, 2020
Since August 22, 2020 changes to the established order of the sole drafting of primary accounting documents have entered into force as per Regulation of the Belarusian Ministry of Finance dd. August 6, 2020 No 33.
Legal protection of geographical indications and a new form of request for trademark and service mark registration
On August 29, 2020 the amended law on geographical indications came into force. The definition of geographical indications and the procedure for obtaining their legal protection have been revised.
Undisputed debt collection: changes in the rules from July 26, 2020
On July 26, 2020, the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Belarus dated July 23, 2020 No. 291 “On the fulfillment of monetary obligations” came into force. According to the comment on the Decree posted on the official website of the President of the Republic of Belarus, “The Decree will allow to exclude the automatic execution of the plaintiff’s payment request drawn up on the basis of the executive note and will enable the debtor, in the event of violation of his rights, to promptly apply to the court to declare the executive note unenforceable.”