Changes in the procedure of accreditation of branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities

On February 24, 2021, Federal Law No. 27-FZ “On Amendments to Article 21 of the Federal Law “On Foreign Investments in the Russian Federation” was adopted. The changes will come into force on 24.08.2021.

New way of currency contracts registration from July 9, 2021

From July 9, 2021, the changes in currency regulation and control regarding the functions of currency control authorities, as well as the rights and obligations of residents (legal entities and individuals) will take place.

How can Belarusian companies’ financial situation be stabilized?

The COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions had a significant negative impact on the economic health of many companies, which made businessmen think about stabilizing of the financial situation in their companies without using loans, credits and other similar instruments.

Changes to the legislation on business entities from April 28, 2021

The Law No. 95-Z “On Amending the Laws on the Issues of Business Entities” (LLCs, SLCs, JSCs) was adopted in Belarus on January 5, 2021.

New changes in the rules for labelling sets & multipacks of goods

Since 2019, Russia has begun the mandatory marking of consumer goods, which is valid for manufacturers, importers, and retailers. In 2020, the system included cigarettes, shoes, tires and perfumes. In 2021 it concerns clothes and linen. Bicycles, water, milk and other goods are next in line.

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