More options of primary accounting documents sole drafting have been introduced since August 22, 2020


Since August 22, 2020 changes to the established order of the sole drafting of primary accounting documents have entered into force as per Regulation of the Belarusian Ministry of Finance dd. August 6, 2020 No 33.

The sole drafting of primary accounting documents means their preparation and signing, for example, of an acceptance act of work performed (services rendered) by only one party to the agreement, while such a primary accounting document is considered valid for both parties. Services under such primary accounting document are considered accepted by the other party and are subject to payment.
From that date on, for sole drafting of primary accounting documents the following conditions should be simultaneously met:

  • The agreement with a business partner must be concluded in written form (any agreement except for contractor agreement, which is not public agreement);
  • The agreement should clearly stipulate the option for sole drafting of primary accounting documents, confirming the performance of works (provision of services).

We advise you to remember that sole drafting of primary accounting documents is a right, but not an obligation of a company participating in the economic operation.