New rules of formation of identification numbers for foreign citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Amendments have been made to the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to which the formation of identification numbers for foreign citizens will be issued only upon personal application to the state.

Introduction of dactyloscopic registration for foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Starting from 1 January 2024, foreign citizens, starting from the age of 16 are required to undergo mandatory dactyloscopy registration before obtaining documents

Amendments in restrictions for deductibility of intercompany services

On 12 December 2023, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed Law No. 45-VIII "On Introduction of Amendments and Additions into the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Taxes and other Mandatory Payments to the budget"

Changes in Russian legislation on taxation

At the end of 2023, two federal laws were adopted and published, provided for by cl. 3 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dd. 08.08.2023 No. 585 "On Suspension by the Russian Federation of Certain Provisions of International Tax Treaties of the Russian Federation"

Changes in the taxation of intercompany transactions and regulation of TP issues in Russia

On 27 November 2023, Federal Law No. 539-FZ introduced significant amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation  largely related to the transfer pricing regulation.

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