Guidelines for efficient stocktaking

With the end of the financial year approaching, SCHNEIDER GROUP experts are providing companies with their useful guidelines for an efficient annual stocktaking.

Legislative amendments regarding names of legal entities in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan has approved the Rules of rendering the state service "Correction of names of legal entities, branches, and representative offices".

Update on restrictions on the rights of foreign businesses to manage companies in Belarus

Important amendments were made to the tax legislation of the Republic of Belarus concerning the alienation of shares in the authorized capital of companies.

Russia's Draft Law on New Profit Withholding Tax

The Russian Duma is considering draft bill No. 448566-8 in the third reading. There is a high probability that the bill will be enacted which will have several effects on foreign investors.

5th Anniversary of SCHNEIDER GROUP Uzbekistan

Since it opened in 2018, the Tashkent office of SCHNEIDER GROUP has seen dynamic growth and has established itself as a reliable and strong local consulting service provider for market entry and business expansion in Uzbekistan. On 1st of December SCHNEIDER GROUP Uzbekistan will celebrate its 5th Anniversary.

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