Country News

Will businesses be able to get a postponement of their lease payment? SCHNEIDER GROUP comments

On April 1, 2020, Federal Law No. 98-FZ of April 1, 2020 “on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations” was published and came into force.

Russian Tax Code amendments offer support to SME

On April 1, the President signed the Federal Law N 102-FZ on Amendments to the RF Tax Code, which provides for a number of anti-crisis measures and gives the Russian government additional powers. The main provisions of the law are below.

How to organize remote work during the adverse epidemiological situation?

During the adverse epidemiological situation caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, remote work is significant as a measure against the spread of infection.

Planned measures to support business resulted from COVID-19

The Government of Belarus prepared the draft of President Decree (hereinafter– «the Decree») in order to support business engaged in economic activity, which is the most vulnerable to the adverse impact of epidemiological situation (tourist and transport services, hotel and sanatorium business, food service, personal services, etc.).

Moscow has approved priority measures to support businesses

Moscow has approved the first package of measures for anti-crisis support of businesses affected by the decline in business activity and introduction of restrictive measures in connection with the spread of coronavirus. Among the measures announced are the following.

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