Personal data: Top Five Internal Controls

SCHNEIDER GROUP experts established a five-step internal controls system for organizations handling personal data. This system empowers you to effectively manage data, secure information, train your workforce, and navigate the data security landscape with confidence.

Possible new restrictions concerning intellectual property for companies from "unfriendly" states

In December 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade drafted a Presidential Decree that envisages new intellectual property restrictions for companies "from unfriendly countries".

Georgia: Amended Data Protection Law

The Parliament of Georgia adopted the law "On Personal Data Protection", according to which there will be a number of additional obligations for persons involved in the processing of personal data.

Important changes in tax legislation of Kazakhstan

Amendments made to the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan will affect the issues of VAT, universal declaration, as well as the minimum wage.

Changes in regulation of investment activity

The Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Investments" was amended to provide for new forms of implementation of investment projects, as well as additional benefits for investors.

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