New Russian Counter-Sanctions – Special Measures against Blocked Persons

On 4 August, important amendments to the Federal Law No. 281-FZ "On Special Economic Measures and Coercive Measures" (hereinafter - the "Special Measures Law") were introduced. They will enter into force in February 2024.

Suspension of Double Taxation Treaties

On August 8, 2023, the President of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 585 (“Decree”), which suspends the most important provisions of 38 Double Tax Treaties (“DTT Provisions”) with several unfriendly countries

Important changes in tax legislation

The tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) has been amended to include a number of changes affecting social contributions, VAT treatment of pharmaceuticals, mandatory state pension contributions and tax audit schedules.

Extension of List of Offshore-States

The special regulation approved by the Ministry of Finance for transactions with offshore jurisdictions will have a number of implications in the area of compliance, notification procedures, relations with companies and preparation of justifications.

Changes in Russian migration legislation

The new law raises the minimum salary for foreign highly qualified specialists, regulates the timeframe for issuing work permits and regulates other important aspects of HQS labour activity in Russia.

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