Our events
Opportunities for European “green technologies” SMEs in Russia and China
Find out what industries in Russia and China are most affected by the new mechanism at our free webinar.
How to optimize tax base during intracorporate financing
Find out about corporate and tax implications has intracorporate financing in Russia at our free webinar.
From Europe to CIS: how to enter the Russian market remotely
Find out how COVID-19 pandemic has influenced Russia’s economy at our free webinar.
Automation of IFRS/GAAP/HGB based on 1C products and 1C-SAP integration
Find out the pros and cons of parallel accounting and transactional approach, integration interfaces between 1C and SAP / other corporate systems in the parent company at our free webinar.
Cybersecurity – how to design your best IT defense strategy
Find out about how to set up strong IT defense strategy and what are current Russian and global cybersecurity trends at our free webinar.